CW3E Welcomes Samuel Bartlett
April 19, 2022
Samuel Bartlett joined CW3E as a meteorologist on March 14th, 2022. He completed his B.S. in Geoscience with a focus in meteorology at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY (2018) and his M.S. in Applied Meteorology at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH (2020).
As a graduate student at Plymouth State, Sam worked under the advisement of CW3E collaborator Dr. Jason Cordeira to study the benefit-hazard spectrum associated with landfalling ARs of varying intensity on the AR scale. This research analyzed the geospatial distribution of NWS watches, warnings, and advisories in the western U.S. on days with landfalling ARs of varying intensity, duration, and location. The results of this study contribute to the body of research which quantifies the relationship between the AR scale and the potential hazards associated with ARs, through the context of NWS watches, warnings, and advisories. Sam completed this research for his M.S. thesis and the resulting manuscript was subsequently published in the AMS Journal of Weather and Forecasting (Bartlett and Cordeira 2021).
In addition to his AR-related research, Sam has worked on projects focusing on severe weather, extreme wind-chill temperatures, and surface boundaries where he developed skills in geospatial analysis (GIS), statistical analysis, programming, and large dataset management. Sam also served as a forecast intern for the NWS Center Weather Service Unit located in the FAA Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center, where he provided forecasts and stand-up weather briefings to air traffic controllers. He most recently worked as the REU Assistant for the Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric and Related Sciences (NEPARS) REU where he peer mentored four pairs of research students while simultaneously developing a surface front climatology.
At CW3E, Sam will be contributing to the AR Recon forecasting team, supporting meteorological research related to the FIRO program, and other research projects at CW3E. Sam is excited to use his skills and experience with various data analysis tools to assist with the research of CW3E and other partner agencies.