CW3E Welcomes Wen-Shu Lin
April 9, 2020
Wen-Shu Lin joined CW3E as a graduate student in the fall of 2019 after receiving her B.S. from National Taiwan University with a major in Atmospheric Science. During her undergraduate research she investigated the connections between large-scale sea surface temperatures, precipitation, and atmospheric circulations under varying stages of global warming. Her results illustrated that while there are some known patterns of future warming, regional variability among climate models is large, and at times, provides outputs of varying sign and direction. These discrepancies among climate models has sparked her interest in regional climate and she will look to continue that work at SIO and CW3E.
At CW3E, under the direction of co-advisors Joel Norris and F. Martin Ralph, she will continue her research into climate variabilities, coupled atmosphere-ocean interactions, and atmospheric dynamics. Her research will focus on closing the gap between weather and climate, specifically focused on the predictability of atmospheric rivers and regional climate on subseasonal-to-seasonal time scales.