CW3E id: WPO
NWS id: --
Lat/Long: 37.813267 / -120.287444
Elevation: 639m
Team Lead: Hart Wanetick
Install Date: June 29, 2021
Permit Expires: --
Watershed: Tuolumne
Telemetry: Cell
Monument: Tripod
Land Owners: Hetch Hetchy Water & Power
Permit Type: Email
Site Type: RadMet

Site is located on a terrace on a ridgeline part way up the hill above the town of Moccasin overlooking the Don Pedro Reservoir and just west of Priest. The site is located at the fork of two gravel roads and is grassy and treeless.  The land drops off to the south ( photo ), west ( photo ) and north ( photo ), and rises to the east ( photo ).  It has iron rich soil and full sun exposure. There is no nearby shade.


  • AC power to the enclosure comes from an outlet inside a nearby shack ( photo ) and is run through neoprene jacketed wire. A future upgrade would replace the wire with rigid metal conduit.
  • A 304 stainless steel enclosure is installed on unistrut attached to two 1 ½ in. sch 40 galvanized pipes with concrete footings ( photo ).
  • The cell antenna is attached to the top of one of the poles and 900 MHz RF antenna is attached to the other. The GPS antenna is mounted to the top of a piece of unistrut between the two other antennas ( photo ).
  • The MRR is mounted on an METEK's aluminum tripod. The tripod is staked to the ground with chain ( photo ). The MRR heater power and MRR data cable runs between the enclosure and the MRR are buried a few inches below the surface ( photo ).
  • The disdrometer is mounted on a single 2 in. sch 40 galvanized pipe with a concrete footing ( photo ). Two 8 in. pieces of rebar were inserted perpendicular to the pipe below ground level before concrete was added to the footing. The data cable for the sensor is wrapped in split loom. The cable run between the enclosure and the sensor is buried a few inches below the surface.
  • A plywood box with solar powered fan covers the enclosure to reduce solar heat gain ( photo ).


  • The SurfaceMet is installed on a tripod to the east of the RAD-Met enclosure ( photo ).
  • The tipping bucket is mounted on top of  1 ½ in. sch 40 galvanized pipe with a concrete footing ( photo ). The data cable is run through flexible aluminum conduit and buried a few inches below the surface ( photo ).


Due Owner Created By Details
-- -- Hart Wanetick MRR_tracking:_ Disdrometer_tracking:_


TypeLabelModelSNInstalled On
Air Temperature/Relative Humidity--Campbell Scientific HydgroVue10E1608June 29, 2021
Anemometer--RM Young 05108178279June 29, 2021
Barometer--CS10631140608June 29, 2021
Disdrometer--OTT Parsivel 2450900June 29, 2021
GPS--Septentrio PolaRx5e3229599June 29, 2021
MRR--Metek MRR2051304 8067June 29, 2021
Tipping Bucket--Texas Electronics TE525MM Tipping Bucket78383-1118June 29, 2021

Other Equipment

TypeLabelModelSNInstalled On
UPSNoneSX650URA3PP8002768Dec. 9, 2024
Cell ModemNoneSierra Wireless RV552T94220089011014June 29, 2021
GPS AntennaNoneTallysman Wireless VP6050CVP6050C 191220 0040 (PN:33-605000-01-01 )June 29, 2021


Dec. 9, 2024Remove MRR transceiver and junction box, general maintenance
Aug. 19, 2024Maintenance

Funding Sources

June 29, 2021 -- NOAA Bending Angle