Remove MRR transceiver and junction box, general maintenanceDetails
Douglas Alden and Jeri Wilcox
- MRR transceiver removed so that it could be sent back to METEK for repair.
- Removed the MRR junction box (SN: 051304 8066). Power cable and RS-232 cable were left in the enclosure. Junction box will be installed at GPO tomorrow.
- Applied lithium grease to RAD-Met enclosure bolts.
Installed CyberPower UPS and setup software to shutdown UPS if power is off for 5 minutes.
Model: SX650U SN: RA3PP8002768 - Updated FileZilla Server to 1.9.4
- Confirmed system was accessible remotely and sensors were functional.
- Cleaned lenses on disdrometer.
- Measured height of disdrometer above ground.
- Cleaned CS320 pyranometer lense.
- Confirmed that tipping bucket funnel was clean.
- Downloaded data from the CR1000X.