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Plot Information: There are several interactive layers on this page: Snow-Level Radar: This layer (red triangles) includes a link to the most recent snow-level radar plots provided by the NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory (ESRL) Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL). The two images are loaded include a time-height anlaysis of doppler vertical velocity and a time-height analysis of reflectivity. Each plot shows color shading of vertical radial velocity and circles depicting the freezing level indicated by a radar bright band when bright band precipitation is present. Each plot shows the previous 48 hours of data with time moving from left to right. Data are updated each hour and are provided by NOAA PSL. Disdrometer: This layer (blue plus signs) includes a link to a comparison between S-band radar at multiple sites as well as disdrometer and tipping bucket rain gauge data. Data shown for the previous 24 hours with time moving from left to right. Data are updated each hour and provided by NOAA PSL or CW3E. The locations of these markers are shifted 0.05 degrees longitude west to minimize overlap with SLR markers Microrain Radars: This layer (range rings) includes a link to a comparison between the MicroRain Reflectivity and the Vertical Velocity as a function of height/cross sectoin. Time increases from left to right. Data are updated each hour and provided by CW3E. Soil Moisture: This layer (orange rhombus/diamonds) includes a link to surface meteorological data time series provided by CW3E with the Russian, Yuba, and Feather watersheds. Data are updated each hour. The locations of these markers are shifted 0.05 degrees longitude east to minimize overlap with other markers ARO Flux Obs: This layer (stars) includes a link to the most recent analysis of water vapor flux from "Atmospheric River Observatories" as provided by the NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory (ESRL) Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL). For more information on these plots, please visit here. |
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F. Martin Ralph, PhD., Director Center For Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) |
CW3E Partners California Department of Water Resources |
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