NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) 0.25o Model Analysis and Forecasts
Geographic Region: | Northeast Pacific | U.S. West Coast | North America |
Plot Descriptions: 250-hPa: 250-hPa wind barbs with magnitude shaded in knots and heights contoured in geopotential meters. 500-hPa: 500-hPa absolute vorticty shaded in x10-5 s-1, heights contoured in geopotential meters and winds. 850-hPa: 850-hPa temperature shaded in °C, heights contoured in geopotential meters and winds. Precipitation: 6-hour accumulated precipitation at the surface shaded in mm, 10-meter wind, and mean sea level pressure contoured in hPa. The products are provided “as is” and are intended for research purposes only (disclaimer).
Model: | NAM | GFS |
All model data provided courtesy of NOAA/NCEP.