Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO):
FIRO is a proposed management strategy that uses data from watershed monitoring and modern weather and water forecasting to help water managers selectively retain or release water from reservoirs in a manner that reflects current and forecasted conditions. |
Atmospheric River Reconnaissance:
Atmospheric River Reconnaissance is a program designed to support water management decisions and flood forecasting by developing and testing the potential of targeted airborne and buoy observations over the Northeast Pacific to improve forecasts of the landfall and impacts of atmospheric rivers on the U.S. West Coast at lead times of 1-5 days. |
California Atmospheric River Program:
The ultimate goal of the “Atmospheric Rivers Research, Mitigation, and Climate Forecasting Program” (AR Program) is to enable substantially greater water supply reliability and flood mitigation capacity across the state. To do this, the AR Program requires innovations in meteorology, hydrology, climate science, oceanography, civil engineering, water resources management, fisheries management, and decision support systems. |
Field campaign to examine water supply variability and extreme precipitation events |
Water Affiliates Group:
The Water Affiliates Group (WAG) is a new forum for water leaders to learn how advances in atmospheric river and drought research can be used to improve water management, mitigate flood risk and increase water supply reliability. It connects like-minded water managers to share best practices in Forecast-Informed water operations and provides practical tools to support core water management services. |