Atmospheric River Observatories

The images on this page display data that are part of the NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed managed by NOAA’s Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) in the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL).

Jump to: | Water Vapor Flux | Radar and Disdrometer Precipitation Analysis | Snow Level Radars |

Water Vapor Flux Analyses and Forecasts

These plots show wind at various levels colored by speed, freezing layer (black dots/dashed line), integrated water vapor (cyan line), upslope wind speed (purple or brown bars), upslope integrated water vapor flux (blue line), and hourly precipitation (green or red bars) with time moving from right to left. Place mouse over site name to show location on map and place mouse over observations or forecast model to show most recent data plot or click to open in a new tab. For more information on these plots click here.

Select Type of plot and location to generate plot. Click image to open in new window.



Radar and Disdrometer Precipitation Analysis

This plot shows a comparison between S-band radar at multiple sites and the 0.5° elevation scan from the Sacramento, Ca WSR-88D scanning radar, as well as disdrometer and tipping bucket rain gauge data. Data shown for the previous 24 hours with time moving from left to right. Place mouse over site name or point on map to show most recent data plot or click to open in a new tab. For more information on this plot click here.

Select location to generate plot. Click image to open in new window.  

Snow Level Radars

The following images show data from various snow level radars. Each plot shows color shading of vertical radial velocity or reflectivity and circles depicting the snow level indicated by a radar bright band when bright band precipitation is present. Each plot shows the previous 48 hours of data with time moving from left to right. Choose a location in the menu to show most recent data plot or click to open in a new tab. For more information of these plots click here.

Data from CW3E Snow Level Radars (Micro Rain Radars) can be found here.

The MRRs located at BBY, CAT, and WPO are currently down for repairs, they will be back online as soon as possible.

Select Type of plot and location to generate plot. Click image to open in new window.

