Water Vapor Flux 3-day GFS Meteograms
These meteograms illustrate the forecasted conditions over a given locations for the 72-hour forecast period from the GFS. The top panel includes water vapor flux (g/kg*m/s) shaded with the 0°C isotherm and wind barbs(m/s), gray shading indicates location elevation. The middle plot illustrates the 3-hour precipitation represented by the bars, total 72-hour precipitation, height of the 0oC isotherm, and location elevation. When the freezing level is below the location elevation, line and bars are blue representing the likelihood of snow and when the freezing level is above the location elevation line and bars are green representing the likelihood of rain. The bottom plot illustrates the IWV and IVT. Place mouse over a point on the map to see a 3-day forecast at the given location or click to open in a new window.
| 3-day Water Vapor Flux | 3-day Relative Humidity | 7-day Water Vapor Flux | 7-day Relative Humidity |
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