West-WRF Ensemble Forecast Tools

The West-WRF Ensemble is not currently running in real-time in an effort to improve the forecast skill through validation and verification. CW3E will resume real-time forecasting using the West-WRF Ensemble prior to the next cool season.

The products are provided “as is” and are intended for research purposes only (disclaimer). All products on this page are considered experimental.

Probability Maps

Shading and contours represent the probability of the chosen variable to be greater than the selected threshold during the chosen 24-hour period. Probability is calculated based on the number of ensemble members predicting the variable over the chosen threshold.




Lead Time:

Shading and contours represent the probability of maximum wind to be greater than the selected threshold during the chosen 3-hour period. Probability is calculated based on the number of ensemble members predicting the variable over the chosen threshold.


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