The information on this page should not be considered authoritative until after 5:30 AM Pacific Time.

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Minor delay
(00Z) Jobs are delayed compared to benchmarks and will likely finish after 7:00am, but before the 9:30am deadline.
(12Z) Jobs are delayed compared to benchmarks and will likely finish after 7:00pm, but before 9:30pm.
Major delay
(00Z) Jobs are delayed compared to benchmarks and will likely finish after 8:00am, but before the 9:30am deadline.
(12Z) Jobs are delayed compared to benchmarks and will likely finish after 8:00pm, but before 9:30pm.
(00Z) The expected finish time of all jobs is after the 9:30am deadline.
(12Z) The expected finish time of all jobs is after 9:30pm.
Done (on time)
(00Z) Jobs have completed before 9:30am.
(12Z) Jobs have completed before 9:30pm.
Done (late)
(00Z) Jobs have completed after 9:30am.
(12Z) Jobs have completed after 9:30pm.
Job status is unavailable or jobs have not started.
In progress
Jobs are in progress as expected.
Jobs are unlikely to finish today. Manual intervention may be required.

Page should reload every 5 minutes