CW3E Forecasts

Atmospheric River Forecast Products

Deterministic Forecast Maps

Click on an image to view forecast maps of integrated water vapor (IWV), integrated water vapor transport (IVT), and time integrated water vapor transport (TIVT) from the NCEP GFS, NAM, or West-WRF at various lead times and various domains.

North Pacific GFS IWV
Northeast Pacific GFS IWV
U.S. West Coast GFS IWV
Northeast Pacific WWRF IWV
California WWRF IWV
North Pacific GFS IVT
Northeast Pacific GFS IVT
U.S. West Coast GFS IVT
Northeast Pacific WWRF IVT
California WWRF IVT
North Pacific GFS TIVT
Northeast Pacific GFS TIVT
U.S. West Coast GFS TIVT

Ensemble Forecast Products

CW3E Landfall Tool
IVT Plumes
CW3E AR Landfall Tool
IVT Plumes
IVT Thumbnails
Ensemble Probabiliy
IVT Spaghetti Plots
CW3E AR Landfall Tool
CW3E AR Landfall Tool
IVT Plumes

Vertical Cross Sections

Meteogram Locations
IVT Meteograms
Cross Section Locations
IVT Cross Sections

West-WRF Forecasts

West-WRF is a regional weather prediction system run at CW3E. Click on an image to see the full suite of West-WRF forecasts.

Jet Level Winds
Freezing Level
West-WRF 24-hr Precipitation
West-WRF 250 hPa Winds
West-WRF Freezing Level
West-WRF Meteograms

NCEP Forecast Models

Click an image to see various forecasts on multiple domains from the NCEP GFS and NAM.

Jet Level Winds
Absolute Vorticity
850-hPa Temperature
250-hPa Winds
250-hPa Winds
250-hPa Winds
250-hPa Winds

Precipitation Forecasts

Precipitation forecasts are available from the GFS and WPC at various accumulation periods, as well as 3-hourly precipitation from the West-WRF. A long range outlook produced using historical data is available to determine the odds of reaching normal water year precipitation totals.

WPC Precipitation
GFS Precipitation
Odds of Reaching Normal Precipitation
WPC 7-day QPF
GFS 7-day QPF
Odds of Reaching 100% of Normal Water Year Precipitation

Forecast Verification

AR Landfall MET/MODE Verification Tool: Various gridded forecasts of AR objects and precipitation are compared to observations using MODE.

Object Verification
Model Analysis
GFS IVT Forecast
GFS Object Verification
GFS IVT Analysis
GFS Landfall Angle Verification