West-WRF Skew-T Log-P Forecasts
| IVT | IWV | Hourly Precip | Accumulated Precip | Hourly Snow | Accumulated Snow | Near Surface | Radar Reflectivity | 0°C Height | 850-hPa Theta | 850-hPa Theta-E | 700-hPa Omega | 500-hPa Abs. Vorticity | 250-hPa Winds | Skew-Ts | Meteograms |
Plot Description: Forecast Skew-T log-P diagrams for various locations through California. Red line shows temperature (°C), blue line shows dew point (°C), and barbs show wind speed (knots) and direction throughout the atmosphere at the given location at the given lead time. Plot on the right shows the water vapor flux (g/kg*m/s) throughout the atmosphere.
Select location and lead time to generate plot.