August 2, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Highlighting two new publications on the development of a regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model

July 17, 2023: Sixth Annual Yampa Basin Rendezvous Brings Together Community to Address Water Resilience

July 14, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Seasonal forecasting of precipitation, temperature, and snow mass over the western U.S. by combining ensemble post-processing with empirical ocean-atmosphere teleconnections

July 13, 2023: CW3E Members Attend 4th Annual Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Workshop at ECMWF in Reading, UK

June 5, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Using Deep Learning for an Analysis of Atmospheric Rivers in a High-Resolution Large Ensemble Climate Dataset

May 17, 2023: Weather Balloon Launch Demonstration with SIO60 Students

April 10, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Multi-Model Subseasonal Prediction Skill Assessment of Water Vapor Transport Associated with Atmospheric Rivers over the Western U.S.

March 27, 2023: New CW3E Award Represented at the Colorado River District’s State of the River Event

March 27, 2023: CW3E and Colorado Partners secure funding for soil moisture network expansion

March 24, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Deep Learning Forecast Uncertainty for Precipitation over Western US