March 21, 2023: Ranking Atmospheric Rivers: New Study Finds World of Potential

February 27, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Autumn precipitation: the competition with Santa Ana winds in determining fire outcomes in Southern California

February 15, 2023: CW3E and Yuba Water Agency Bring Science to Life for Students at Browns Valley Elementary School in Yuba County

February 10, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Evaluation of Subseasonal Drought Forecast Skill over the Coastal Western U.S.

February 8, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Impacts of Northeastern Pacific Buoy Surface Pressure Observations

February 6, 2023: Extreme Atmospheric River Incidents are the Subject of Committee Hearing in California State Assembly

February 2, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: A 440-Year Blue-Oak Reconstruction of Heavy Precipitation in California

January 25, 2023: AR Recon Milestones – Flight Plans for the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean

December 2, 2022: CW3E presents AR research and applications with San Bernardino Special Districts

November 30, 2022: CW3E Publication Notice: Representation of Atmospheric Water Budget and Uncertainty Quantification of Future Changes in CMIP6 for the Seven U.S. National Climate Assessment Regions