February 16, 2018: CW3E Post Event Summary: Arizona AR

February 13, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Genesis, Pathways, and Terminations of Intense Global Water Vapor Transport in Association with Large-Scale Climate Patterns

January 16, 2018: Meteorological Conditions Associated with the Deadly 9 January 2018 Debris Flow on the Thomas Fire Burn Area Impacting Montecito, CA: A Preliminary Analysis

January 10, 2018: CW3E Fieldwork Season Begins

January 8, 2018: CW3E AR Update: 8 January 2018 Outlook

January 3, 2018: CW3E AR Update: 3 January 2018 Outlook

December 22, 2017: CW3E Director Featured in Weather Channel Article on ARs

December 14, 2017: CW3E AR Outlook: 14 December 2017 Ridge Update

December 1, 2017: CW3E Publication Notice: Flood runoff in relation to water vapor transport by atmospheric rivers over the western United States

November 20, 2017: CW3E AR Update: 20 November 2017 Outlook