February 5, 2024: CW3E Publication Notice: Impact of atmospheric rivers on Arctic sea ice variations

February 2, 2024: CW3E Publication Notice: Keeping Water in Climate-Changed Headwaters Longer

February 1, 2024: CW3E Publication Notice: An Assessment of Dropsonde Sampling Strategies for Atmospheric River Reconnaissance

January 29, 2024: CW3E Publication Notice: Advancing atmospheric river science and inspiring future development of the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Program

January 23, 2024: CW3E Publication Notice: Subseasonal prediction of impactful California winter weather in a hybrid dynamical-statistical framework

December 4, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Antecedent Snowpack Cold Content Alters the Hydrologic Response to Extreme Rain-on-Snow Events

November 20, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: A long short-term memory neural network-based error estimator for three-dimensional dynamically adaptive mesh generation

November 20, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Mesoscale and Synoptic Scale Analysis of Narrow Cold Frontal Rainband During a Landfalling Atmospheric River in California During January 2021

November 20, 2023: CW3E’s Mike Dettinger reviews National Climate Assessment released November 14, 2023

October 31, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Impacts of Dropsonde Observations on Forecasts of Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation in the NCEP GFS and ECMWF IFS models