June 5, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Using Deep Learning for an Analysis of Atmospheric Rivers in a High-Resolution Large Ensemble Climate Dataset

April 26, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Aerosol-heavy precipitation relationship within monsoonal regimes in the Western Himalayas

April 21, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Development of a Statistical Subseasonal Forecast Tool to Predict California Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation Based on MJO and QBO Activity

April 10, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Multi-Model Subseasonal Prediction Skill Assessment of Water Vapor Transport Associated with Atmospheric Rivers over the Western U.S.

March 24, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Deep Learning Forecast Uncertainty for Precipitation over Western US

March 21, 2023: Ranking Atmospheric Rivers: New Study Finds World of Potential

March 1, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Drought Attribution Studies and Water Resources Management

February 27, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Autumn precipitation: the competition with Santa Ana winds in determining fire outcomes in Southern California

February 10, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Evaluation of Subseasonal Drought Forecast Skill over the Coastal Western U.S.

February 8, 2023: CW3E Publication Notice: Impacts of Northeastern Pacific Buoy Surface Pressure Observations