CW3E AR Update: 14-17 October 2016 Post-Event Summary
October 20, 2016
CW3E gives a post-event storm summary about two Atmospheric Rivers that made landfall over the Pacific Northwest during 14-17 October 2016. This event was an R-Cat 3 event and produced over 15 inches of 72-hour precipitation.
Click here for a pdf file of this information.

NCEP GFS Analysis – Valid: 0000 UTC 12 Oct 2016 – 0600 UTC 17 Oct 2016
NEXRAD Radar: 0000 UTC 14-17 Oct 2016
- Radar imagery shows widespread precipitation over the Pacific Northwest during 14-17 Oct 2016
- Severe convection on 14 Oct produced multiple tornadoes in OR and high winds across the region
- Throughout the period the PNW was impacted by several alternating periods of stratiform and convective precipiation