CW3E Authors Featured in latest volume of Mountain Views Chronicle

May 9, 2024

In the most recent volume of the Mountain Views Chronicle, CW3E authors Jeri Wilcox, Jacob Morgan, Anna Wilson, and El Knappe, were featured for writing a short article about the Y-BASIN Project, together with project collaborators Madison Muxworthy and Nathan Stewart. The Mountain Views Chronicle is the newsletter of the US Forest Service’s Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains (CIRMOUNT). This newsletter is published to help inform citizens and scientists alike about developments in mountain research in the western US.

Volume 17 of the Mountain Views Chronicle, published on Earth Day 2024 (22nd April), encompasses a theme of “an exploration of science in community.” It highlights the interconnectedness of science with not only the environment that is being studied, but also the people who are a part of it. For this newsletter, the Y-BASIN collaborators submitted a short article, termed “Brevia,” which describes the collaborative nature of the Y-BASIN project and the benefits this has brought. The article explores the origins of the project, through the Yampa Basin Rendezvous, and how this origin set up the Y-BASIN effort to be one that is inherently connected to an interdisciplinary network of stakeholders, regional experts, and community members. The authors highlight the collaboration that is integrated throughout the project: during the station siting, station installations, data management, and engagement with the community surrounding the project.

To read the entire Brevia, check out the newsletter at the following link: