February 13, 2018: CW3E Launches Near Real-Time AR and QPF Forecast Verification Website

February 13, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Genesis, Pathways, and Terminations of Intense Global Water Vapor Transport in Association with Large-Scale Climate Patterns

February 8, 2018: Atmospheric River Reconnaissance – 2018 is Underway

February 2, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: An Inter-comparison Between Reanalysis and Dropsonde Observations of the Total Water Vapor Transport in Individual Atmospheric Rivers

January 10, 2018: CW3E Fieldwork Season Begins

December 1, 2017: CW3E Publication Notice: Flood runoff in relation to water vapor transport by atmospheric rivers over the western United States

November 15, 2017: Lake Mendocino Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Steering Committee Submit Major Deviation Request

November 2, 2017: FIRO Steering Committee Co-Chairs Provide In-depth Briefing to USACE

September 6, 2017: CW3E Field Team Beats the Heat, Installs Meteorology and Hydrology Instruments in Russian River Watershed

August 2, 2017: Sonoma County Water Agency Board of Directors Chairwoman, Zane, testifies on FIRO before Senate Committee