CW3E Welcomes Dr. Mohammadvaghef Ghazvinian
February 8, 2022
Mohammadvaghef Ghazvinian joined CW3E as postdoctoral researcher in January 2022. He received his PhD in Civil Engineering-Water Resources from the University of Texas at Arlington under the supervision of Dr. Yu Zhang.
His research interests include hydrometeorological forecast postprocessing, probabilistic forecasting and mathematical methods for forecast verification.
During his PhD, he focused primarily on developing statistical postprocessing models to improve medium-range precipitation/flood forecasts from state-of-the-art operational/research-based schemes. His proposed methods adequately address practical limitations in current mechanisms and improve their robustness and efficacy, in particular forecasts accuracy for heavy-to-extreme, high impact events. He is among a few researchers in the field that successfully improved the performance of probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasting using end-to-end, computationally efficient deep learning frameworks. These frameworks allow for simultaneous generations of reliable and highly skillful postprocessed precipitation forecasts over multiple forecast horizons and seasons in a unified manner.
At CW3E, Mohammadvaghef will focus on development of machine learning prediction tools for extreme weather and water events under supervision of Dr. Luca Delle Monache. His research outcome will support CW3E’s objectives in improving flash flood decision support systems and forecast informed reservoir operations.