November 7, 2019: CW3E Publication Notice: A decade of terrestrial water storage changes across the contiguous United States from GPS and GRACE

October 23, 2019: CW3E Post-Event Summary: 16-22 October 2019

October 23, 2019: Distribution of Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers over the U.S. West Coast During Water Year 2019: End of Water Year Summary

September 27, 2019: CW3E Post Event Summary: 22-26 September 2019

September 25, 2019: CW3E Event Summary: 23-25 Sep 2019

September 12, 2019: CW3E Publication Notice: Linking Bay Area Landslides and Atmospheric Rivers

August 2, 2019: CW3E in the News

July 16, 2019: CW3E Publication Notice: Rapid Cyclogenesis from a Mesoscale Frontal Wave on an Atmospheric River: Impacts on Forecast Skill and Predictability during Atmospheric River Landfall

June 19, 2019: CW3E Publication Notice: The Effect of El Niño on Flood Damages in the Western United States

May 8, 2019: Water Year 2019: April Atmospheric Rivers