May 1, 2019: FIRO Panel Held at 2019 Annual California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum

April 22, 2019: CW3E Hosts Annual Meeting

April 1, 2019: Southwest Extreme Precipitation Symposium (SWEPSYM)

December 14, 2018: CW3E Graduate Students Participate in the United Nations Convention in Poland

December 10, 2018: CW3E participates in California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Workshop: Water Year 2019: Feast or Famine?

November 15, 2018: FIRO Highlighted at Kansas Governor’s Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas

November 6, 2018: CW3E and DWR Co-Host the Winter Outlook Workshop

August 13, 2018: 5th Annual Workshop on Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations for Lake Mendocino

July 18, 2018: CW3E Graduate Student Serves as GELS Instructor

July 17, 2018: CW3E Graduate Student Selected to Participate in the 9th International High Performance Computing Summer School