CW3E Participates in U.S. State Department-sponsored Foreign Ambassador Visit
June 26, 2019
Members of Scripps Institution of Oceanography and CW3E had the pleasure of welcoming over 35 foreign ambassadors representing countries across four continents to the Ellen Browning Scripps Memorial Pier on June 17, 2019 as part of a U.S. State Department-sponsored visit. The goal of the visit, part of the 25th Experience America trip to San Diego, was to spotlight San Diego as an innovative city making advances in science, technology, defense, and more. A visit to UC San Diego showcased the university as a hub of innovation, with the research and academic community sharing how the university works to understand, monitor, and communicate the world’s most pressing environmental problems.
Ambassadors heard from faculty, staff, and student researchers about cutting-edge earth and planetary science on local and global horizons as they toured the Scripps Pier. CW3E’s work was featured front-and-center as Douglas Alden and Brain Kawzenuk demonstrated a major component of Atmospheric River field research by leading a weather balloon launch. Assisted by Her Excellency Mathilde Mukantabana, Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda and His Excellency Arjun Kumar Karki, Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, the diplomats were able to gain hands-on experience and develop a deeper understanding of how researchers at CW3E, and across the globe, study the atmosphere.
Feedback from ambassadors suggested the balloon launch was a highlight of the tour. The event was a fantastic outreach opportunity to share Scripps’ and CW3E’s scientific expertise and data collection methods with a broader community.