CW3E Publication Notice: Towards probabilistic post-fire debris flow hazard decision support

CW3E Publication Notice

Towards probabilistic post-fire debris flow hazard decision support

September 18, 2023

A paper titled “Towards probabilistic post-fire debris flow hazard decision support” was recently published in the journal Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. This research was a collaboration among CW3E, the California Geological Survey, the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Arizona, and the National Weather Service.

Post-fire debris flows (PFDFs) threaten life, property, and infrastructure in steep wildfire-prone terrain worldwide. PFDFs are mixtures of water and sediment, typically with a sediment concentration exceeding 50% by volume. In the first few years following a wildfire, PFDFs often initiate when short duration (typically <1 hour), high-intensity rainfall produces runoff that rapidly entrains sediment on steep slopes. Note that nearly all PFDFs that occur within two years after fires are distinct from shallow landslides; they are runoff-driven, not infiltration-driven, and do not require antecedent rainfall nor high storm-total or multi-hour rainfall. As PFDFs become a more frequent hazard affecting larger areas, there is an increasing need for decision-support tools to effectively convey uncertainty around rainfall intensities, PFDF likelihood, volume, and potential impacts. As PFDFs are rainfall-driven, there is a particular need for tools that merge rainfall forecasts from numerical weather prediction models with models designed to assess PFDF hazard.

This paper explores the challenges in operational forecasting and communicating information about PFDF hazards. Through two case study events on the 2017 Thomas Fire burn area (Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties, CA) using a high-resolution (1km), large ensemble (100-member) 24-hour lead time precipitation forecast. It proposes a framework for integrating ensemble forecasts from mesoscale models with PFDF likelihood and volume models to create decision-support tools. We find that the observed 15-minute rainfall intensities for the events evaluated are captured within the ensemble spread, although in the highest 10% of members (Fig. 1). Given this distribution, consideration of the full model ensemble spread in areas with values-at-risk is necessary. While this work demonstrates that it is feasible to integrate ensemble precipitation forecasts with PFDF likelihood and volume models (Fig. 2), additional work needs to be done to understand and potentially reduce the sources of uncertainty in forecasting short-duration, high-intensity rainfall. As demonstrated, the ensemble simulation is likely too computationally expensive to run operationally. Future research can optimize the forecast lead time, number and characteristics of ensemble members, domain size, and grid spacing.

This work addresses CW3E’s strategic plan goal of improving weather, hydrology, and coupled modeling capabilities for the western United States as it couples a numerical weather prediction model (using the West-WRF configuration) with debris flow likelihood and volume models. It provides insights to model successes and challenges associated with short-duration, high-intensity precipitation that can be further explored in future research. Additionally, it addresses the CW3E core value of collaboration. This work demonstrates the benefits of collaborations between the geomorphology and meteorology communities to improve decision support for PFDF hazards.

Figure 1: a) Histogram of 15-minute precipitation forecasts, in mm h-1, from the 100 WRF ensemble members at the location of the Doulton Tunnel rain gauge, using a 1-km neighborhood and temporal window of +/- 1 h about the time of maximum observed rainfall. Vertical lines indicate ensemble mean and gauge observation. b) Time series of the observed (dots) and ensemble forecast 15-minute rainfall rates at the WRF grid cell closest to the location of the Doulton Tunnel rain gauge; no neighborhood method is used. The black star indicates the maximum 15-minute observed rainfall. The ensemble median, minimum, and maximum forecast values are denoted by the black, red, and blue lines, respectively, and the gray shading represents the ensemble interquartile range. c) As in a) for the KTYD gauge. d) As in b) for the KTYD gauge. See Fig. 4b for gauge locations. Gauge data acquired from County of Santa Barbara Department of Public Works via

Figure 2:: For the 9 January 2018 event, in the top row, ensemble 90th percentile a) peak I15, b) probability of debris flow occurrence, and c) predicted volume. In the middle row, ensemble median d) peak I15, e) probability of debris flow occurrence, and f) predicted volume. In the bottom row, ensemble 10th percentile g) peak I15, h) probability of debris flow occurrence, and i) predicted volume. The coordinates of the top left and bottom right corners of each map are (34o39’N, 119o41’W) and (34o15’N, 118o56’W), respectively.

This research was supported by the California Department of Resources Atmospheric River Program and the NOAA Collaborative Science, Technology, and Applied Research (CSTAR) program.

Oakley, N. S., Liu, T., McGuire, L. A., Simpson, M., Hatchett, B. J., Tardy, A., Kean, J. W., Castellano, C., Laber, J. L., & Steinhoff, D. (2023). Toward Probabilistic Post-Fire Debris-Flow Hazard Decision Support. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(9), E1587-E1605.

CW3E Welcomes Ross Beaudette

CW3E Welcomes Ross Beaudette

September 15, 2023

Ross Beaudette joined CW3E on September 11th, 2023 as a field research engineer. Ross spent the last 21 years as a lab manager for the Severinghaus Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. In this role he helped his PI study paleoclimate though stable isotopes of air trapped in polar ice using mass spectrometry, as well as guide and train graduate students. Ross was awarded the Antarctic Service Medal in 2013 for his fieldwork in Antarctica on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide replicate ice core. He holds a BS degree in Environmental Science from the University of Vermont, where he is originally from. Ross will be supporting the land based field team here at CW3E helping to better understand atmospheric rivers and is excited about this new endeavor.

CW3E Publication Notice: Influence of the freezing level on atmospheric rivers in High Mountain Asia: WRF case studies of orographic precipitation extremes.

CW3E Publication Notice

Influence of the freezing level on atmospheric rivers in High Mountain Asia: WRF case studies of orographic precipitation extremes

September 8, 2023

A new paper titled, “Influence of the Freezing Level on Atmospheric Rivers in High Mountain Asia: WRF Case Studies of Orographic Precipitation Extremes” by Deanna Nash (CW3E), Leila Carvalho (UC Santa Barbara), Jon Rutz (CW3E), and Charles Jones (UC Santa Barbara) was recently published in Climate Dynamics. This study evaluates changes in integrated water vapor transport (IVT) and the height of the 0°C isotherm (hereafter, freezing level) during wintertime atmospheric rivers (ARs) across High Mountain Asia (HMA) using Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) dynamically downscaled to 20-km and 6.7 km horizontal resolution with the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting (ARW-WRF) model. Results show that from 1979 to 2015, IVT during ARs that reach western HMA has increased 16% while the freezing level has increased up to 35 m. These changes have modified the fraction of frozen precipitation that falls during these storms. Figure 1 shows that ARs with an above-average freezing level produce 10-40% less frozen precipitation than ARs with a below-average freezing level. In light of a warming climate, this points to consequences such as increased frequency of precipitation-triggered landslides and floods in a region of complex topography, impacting water resources, infrastructure, and lives and livelihoods of those that live in that area.

Figure 1: Figure 4 from Nash et al. (2023) (a) WRF 6.7 km fraction of frozen precipitation (shaded; -) for Northwestern HMA ARs above-average freezing level conditions within the red box. (b) Same as (a) but for Western HMA ARs. (c) Same as (a) but for Eastern HMA ARs. (d) WRF 6.7 km fraction of frozen precipitation (shaded; -) for Northwestern HMA ARs below-average freezing level conditions within the red box. (e) Same as (d) but for Western HMA ARs. (f) Same as (d) but for Eastern HMA ARs. (g) Composite differences of WRF 6.7 km fraction of frozen precipitation (shaded; -) for Northwestern HMA ARs above-average freezing level conditions and below-average freezing level conditions within the red box. Only differences (above-average conditions minus below-average conditions) in the fraction of frozen precipitation that are considered at or above the 95% confidence level are shaded. (h) Same as (g) but for Western HMA ARs. (i) Same as (g) but for Eastern HMA ARs.

To differentiate the synoptic and mesoscale characteristics of ARs with above-average freezing level from ARs with below-average freezing level, this study compares two ARs with broadly similar characteristics (e.g., high IVT, low-level southwesterly flow, and dynamic support by an upper-level trough) that both resulted in extreme precipitation, but strikingly different impacts. The key difference between these two events is that one featured an above-average freezing level (January 1989), while the other featured a below-average freezing level and 12-h longer duration (February 2010). The longer duration is likely why the February 2010 AR case resulted in higher amounts of precipitation overall. Perhaps more notably, between 1-3 km (i.e., where changes in the freezing level are more likely to influence the fraction of frozen precipitation), the February 2010 AR had more rain and less snow than the January 1989 AR (Figure 2i, j). Although freezing levels were only 50-600 m higher during the 2010 AR, this event resulted in 10-70% less frozen precipitation than the 1989 AR (Figure 2k, l).

Overall, the examples of below- and above-average freezing level ARs presented here demonstrate the importance of mesoscale processes in orographic precipitation and highlight the varying outcomes that can result across HMA from relatively small differences in freezing level height. This study intersects with extensive CW3E research focused on a better understanding of precipitation extremes, precipitation type (the fraction of which is liquid vs. frozen within a watershed being sometimes greatly modified by relatively small changes in freezing level), and implications for water resources in an area of complex topography: California. Even as these efforts expand to other U.S. states, this study highlights the increasingly global reach of CW3E research and applications. This work is associated with two of five major priorities outlined in CW3E’s Strategic Plan: “Atmospheric Rivers Research and Applications” and “Monitoring and Projections of Climate Variability and Change.” This work addresses those priorities by furthering the understanding of AR dynamics and providing insights on historical extreme AR events.

Figure 2: Figure 6 from Nash et al. (2023) (a) Total event WRF 6.7 km rain (shaded; mm event−1) for the January 1989 AR. The black contours are the location of 1- and 3-km elevation. (b) Total event WRF 6.7 km snow (shaded; mm event−1) for the January 1989 AR. (c) Average event WRF 6.7 km fraction of frozen precipitation (shaded; -) for the January 1989 AR. (d) Average WRF 20 km freezing level (shaded; m ASL) for the January 1989 AR. (e–h) Same as (a–d) but for the February 2010 AR. The yellow diamonds and black triangles indicate the location of a precipitation-triggered landslides during the 2010 AR event, the triangles are the same points in Figs. 1b and 9e,f. (i) The difference in rain (shaded; mm event−1) for the February 2010 AR minus the January 1989 AR. (j) Same as (i) but for snow (shaded; mm event−1). (k) Same as (i) but for the fraction of frozen precipitation (shaded; -). (l) Same as (i) but for the freezing level (shaded; m ASL). The black triangles indicate the points of two of the six landslides triggered during this event and are also shown in Figs. 1b and 6e–h.

Nash, D., Carvalho, L.M.V., Rutz, J.J., and Jones, C. Influence of the freezing level on atmospheric rivers in High Mountain Asia: WRF case studies of orographic precipitation extremes. Climate Dynamics (2023)

Jackson Ludtke Recognized as a 2023 Triton Student Employee of the Year For His Role in the 2023 AR Recon Season

Jackson Ludtke Recognized as a 2023 Triton Student Employee of the Year For His Role in the 2023 AR Recon Season

June 06, 2023

Jackson Ludtke came to CW3E in the fall of 2021 as a UCSD undergraduate student interested in the center’s Atmospheric River (AR) Reconnaissance program. Flight tracks for these missions are developed in Google Earth and require close coordination between CW3E staff and collaborators around the world. Jackson’s position requires him to start as early as 6 am, update a variety of background fields in Google Earth, create draft flight tracks, present them during weather briefings, revise them on-the-fly as needed with feedback from senior scientists and aircraft personnel, and then produce and provide coordinate and spacing information on a tight and inflexible timeline. He quickly learned how to use the Google Earth flight planning tool during the water year 2022 season and enjoyed the work so much that he decided to join us again for the water year 2023 season. During his first season, he provided key support but did not use the tool in real-time on his own. However, he fully embraced the opportunity this season and excelled in the high-pressure work. He was always able to complete his tasks on deadline which required close collaboration with the team and excellent communication skills. Jackson was able to exceed our expectations in communication and teamwork as well as in the precision of his work. He has great initiative, shares well thought out ideas, and makes sure everyone is included. He routinely asks questions to make sure his tasks are completed correctly and by the middle of the season did not need much supervision.
After winning the award he was presented with a plaque and various gift certificates at the 2023 CW3E Annual Meeting. The AR Recon team is very thankful for his contribution and endorsed him for 2023 Triton Student Employee of the Year. Congratulations Jackson, and job well done! Hope to see you during the upcoming water year 2024 season.

CW3E Welcomes Taylor Dixon

CW3E Welcomes Taylor Dixon

August 28, 2023

Taylor Dixon joined CW3E as a Senior Hydrologist in August 2023. Taylor and his wife and children recently relocated to the San Diego area from Camas, WA. Although they enjoyed living, working, and playing in the Pacific Northwest for many years, they welcome the sun, outdoor living, and culture across San Diego County.

In his new role, Taylor will serve as a liaison between the Center and the National Weather Service (NWS) River Forecast Centers, support the growing Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) program, and help advance the Center’s hydrologic forecasting capabilities. In addition to leading and contributing to technical developments and project/program management activities, he will be focusing on helping maintain and develop partnerships between CW3E and the academic community, water managers across the West, and operational forecasting entities.

Prior to his new position, Taylor was the Development and Operations Hydrologist (DOH) at the NWS Northwest River Forecast Center (NWRFC) in Portland, Oregon. As part of the management team, he helped oversee the daily and event-driven streamflow forecasting operations and led the RFC’s multifaceted and collaborative research-to-operations (R2O) portfolio. He was also responsible for training and developing forecasting staff, and with building and nurturing productive, relevant relationships across the agency and beyond. Before moving into the DOH position, Taylor was an operational forecaster for the NWRFC for several years. His professional hydrology experience also includes time with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), where he conducted basin-scale climate change and water management studies and supported USBR water managers, and with the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR), where he led field-, laboratory-, and modeling-based studies focused on groundwater-surface water exchanges (and drivers) in cultivated, mountainous watersheds. His education includes a B.S. in Chemistry (Boise State University) and an M.S. in Hydrology (Colorado School of Mines), as well as professional certification in Data Science (HarvardX).

Altogether, Taylor has nearly 20 years of professional hydrology experience, and is well-versed in the complex challenges associated with modeling, forecasting, and managing water across the West. He is thrilled to be working with the highly capable, forward-leaning teams of scientists, engineers, and project managers at CW3E and throughout its partnering entities to help advance the state of hydrologic forecasting operations and water management capabilities in Western North America.

CW3E Event Summary: Hurricane Hilary 20-21 August 2023

CW3E Event Summary: Hurricane Hilary 20-21 August 2023

August 24, 2023

Click here for a pdf of this information.

Hurricane Hilary Brings Heavy Rain, Flooding and High Winds to Southern California

  • Hilary made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane in Baja California and weakened into a tropical storm before crossing into California
  • The cyclone produced heavy rain and high winds across Southern and Central California on 20 and 21 August
  • Much of Southern California and Southwestern Nevada received > 2 inches of precipitation with stations in the Transverse Range measuring > 10 inches
  • Several stations set new daily precipitation records for the month of August while Death Valley set its all-time single day precipitation total at 2.20 inches
  • Precipitable water observed during this event in San Diego was 2.38 inches, tying for the second highest recorded value per Storm Prediction Center records
  • Many streamflow stations throughout Central and Southern California saw streamflows > 90th percentile of climatology because of the record-breaking rainfalls
  • Heavy rainfall resulted in widespread flash flooding and debris flows that damaged roadways
  • High winds caused trees to fall and resulted in power outages for more than 50,000 people across Central and Southern California
  • Per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Hilary was the first tropical storm to pass over California since Nora in 1997

National Hurricane Center

Valid 9 AM PDT 16 August to
2 AM PDT 21 August 2023

GOES-West – Longwave Infrared

Valid 512 AM PDT 18 August to
1120 AM PDT 21 August 2023

MIMIC-TPW2 Total Precipitable Water

Valid 1800 UTC 16 August – 1500 UTC 21 August 2023













Summary provided by M. Steen, C. Castellano, S. Roj, P. Iñiguez, J. Cordeira, and J. Kalansky; 24 August 2023

To sign up for email alerts when CW3E post new AR updates click here.

*Outlook products are considered experimental

CW3E Welcomes Sam Babbitt

CW3E Welcomes Sam Babbitt

August 24, 2023

Sam Babbitt joined CW3E on August 21, 2023, as a research project manager to support AR Recon coordination. Sam previously spent 20 years in the United States Coast Guard, serving as a helicopter pilot flying Search and Rescue missions. Sam earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the United States Coast Guard Academy, and an M.S. in Engineering Management from the George Washington University. At CW3E, Sam will support Atmospheric River Reconnaissance coordination and the storm sampling team. Sam is thrilled about getting to be part of such an exciting and hard-working team, and to contribute to furthering the many projects at CW3E.

CW3E Members Attend Annual Central Sierra Snow Laboratory Conference

CW3E Members Attend Annual Central Sierra Snow Laboratory Conference

August 21, 2023

Last week several of the CW3E field team ventured to Donner Lake near Truckee, CA, for the annual Central Sierra Snow Laboratory (CSSL) conference. The meeting celebrated the second snowiest winter in the snow lab’s 78-year history with a slideshow of the amazing research and outreach carried out by the CSSL employees. This year’s conference talks ranged in discipline from the history of how Truckee got its name to studies about the concentrations of microplastics in the Sierra Nevada, measuring flooding from rain-on-snow events, impacts from wildfires in the Sierras, and an overview of all the new instrumentation at CSSL. The talks concluded with a nice picnic lunch on Donner Lake, where several of the Sugar Bowl ski patrollers expressed interest in hosting various CW3E instrumentation to assist with their avalanche forecasting and to measure the meteorological and snowpack conditions above tree line.

Afterwards, El Knappe, Ava Cooper, and Gabe Lewis took a tour of the snow lab to view the new instrumentation and talk about improvements to the snow fence (now affectionately named Continuous Hydrologic and Energy Exchange Snow Experiment – CHEESE – due to its resemblance to a cheese grater), which measures the temperature of the snowpack to assist with modeling of rain-on-snow induced flooding. Additionally, the field team wants to install a disdrometer to measure the phase of falling precipitation.

The CSSL conference offered an opportunity for CW3E and the California Department of Water Resources Cooperative Snow Surveys Unit to discuss the importance of accurately measuring snow to assist with streamflow forecasting and water resource management. The DWR teams expressed their gratitude towards the CW3E hydrology and field groups for all their improvements with seasonal runoff forecasts.

CW3E Analysis – Hurricane Hilary: 18 August 2023

CW3E Analysis – Hurricane Hilary: 18 August 2023

August 18, 2023

Click here for a pdf of this information.

Hurricane Hilary To Impact Southern California and Nevada This Weekend

  • Hurricane Hilary has rapidly intensified over the past 24 hours, reaching Category 4 strength as of the 8 am PT advisory from the National Hurricane Center (NHC)
  • Hilary is expected to begin weakening tonight as it turns northward and passes over colder ocean temperatures
  • The NHC has issued the first ever Tropical Storm watch for Southern California
  • Hilary is expected to move up the coast of the Baja Peninsula Saturday night before making its way into Southern California by Sunday night into Monday morning
  • A predecessor rain event (PRE) is forecast to occur north of Hilary, potentially bringing heavy rainfall to portions of California and Nevada Saturday into Sunday
  • Additional heavy rainfall and high winds are likely as the storm center approaches Southern California late Sunday
  • The highest rainfall amounts (> 5 inches) are expected in the vicinity of the Peninsular Ranges and San Bernardino Mountains, with 3–5 inches forecast in portions of the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts
  • The NWS Weather Prediction Center (WPC) has issued a moderate-to-high risk of rainfall exceeding flash flooding guidance over much of Southern California
  • Stay alert to official NWS forecasts, watches, and warnings from the National Hurricane Center at, information from local NWS weather forecast offices at, and follow guidance from local emergency management officials

Click images to see loops of GFS Precipitation and IWV forecasts

Valid 1200 UTC 19 August – 1200 UTC 22 August 2023











Analysis provided by M. Steen, C. Castellano, S. Roj, and P. Iñiguez; 18 August 2023

To sign up for email alerts when CW3E post new AR updates click here.

*Outlook products are considered experimental

CW3E Analysis – Tropical Storm Hilary: 16 August 2023

CW3E Analysis – Tropical Storm Hilary: 16 August 2023

August 16, 2023

Click here for a pdf of this information.

Tropical Storm Hilary Potentially Impacting Southern California Beginning Sunday 20 August

  • The disturbance that was located off the coast of Southern Mexico in the Pacific was upgraded to Tropical Storm Hilary today, 16 Aug 2023
  • Tropical Storm Hillary is forecast to become a hurricane tomorrow, 17 Aug 2023, and continue strengthening
  • The storm is expected to impact the Baja Peninsula and Southern California, with Tropical Storm force winds likely to reach the Baja sometime late Friday to early Saturday and reach Southern California mid to late Sunday per the most recent NHC forecast
  • There is potential for heavy precipitation accompanying the high winds across much of Southern California as a result of the elevated moisture levels forecasted to be brought into the region by Hilary
  • A predecessor rain event (PRE) is forecast to occur north of Hilary on Saturday into Sunday, bringing heavy rainfall to the southwestern US, fed by of tropical moisture from Hilary
  • Stay alert to official NWS forecasts, watches, and warnings from the National Hurricane Center at, information from local NWS weather forecast offices at, and follow guidance from local emergency management officials

Click images to see loops of GFS Precipitation and IWV forecasts

Valid 1200 UTC 19 August – 1200 UTC 22 August 2023











Analysis provided by M. Steen, C. Castellano, S. Bartlett, S. Roj, and J. Cordeira; 8 August 2023

To sign up for email alerts when CW3E post new AR updates click here.

*Outlook products are considered experimental