“Atmospheric Rivers”: Rising Interest in Science and the Media

“Atmospheric Rivers”: Rising Interest in Science and the Media

April 25, 2015

The term “atmospheric river” was first coined in 1994 to describe atmospheric water vapor transport across the mid-latitudes. Subsequent research has shown them to be responsible for the majority of extreme hydrologic events in the western United States, Europe, and South America, as well as being critical to water resources in these regions.

A recent analysis conducted by Ann Coppin and Duane Waliser of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Marty Ralph of Scripps Institution Of Oceanography’s CW3E has highlighted the growing number of journal publications using the term “atmospheric rivers”, illustrating a growing use for this terminology (see figure below).

The number of publications using the term “atmospheric river” from 1994-2013

The number of references across different media outlets has also risen underscoring the increasing public interest in this phenomenon (see figure below).

The number of times the term “atmospheric river” has been used across various media outlets from 2005-2015

1st ARTMIP Workshop held at SIO

1st ARTMIP Workshop held at SIO

May 15, 2017

The 1st Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Workshop was recently held at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, CA. The participants consisted of an ad-hoc group of researchers working to identify and track atmospheric rivers (ARs), elongated regions of atmospheric water vapor transport that contribute significantly to high-impact weather events and hydroclimate. The American Meteorological Society has recently accepted a qualitative definition of what constitutes an AR, but many differences in AR identification and tracking algorithms exist. One goal of the meeting was to discuss key science questions that arise from these methods – most of these are questions related to uncertainty regarding AR climatology, the relationship between ARs and precipitation, and how these may be altered under future climate change scenarios. Another goal of the meeting was to reach consensus on common data sets and metrics to facilitate a quantitative comparison of these AR identification and tracking methods.

The 1st ARTMIP Workshop was a resounding success, featuring ~20 participants from a wide variety of institutions. ARTMIP participants agreed upon a two-tiered structure for the project. Tier 1 describes the core of the ARTMIP project – common metrics that all participants have agreed to pursue. This analysis will be based on participants applying their AR identification and tracking methods to a common reanalysis data set (MERRA version 2) a period of record (1980-2016), with selected years and/or individual events also investigated. Data provided by each participant will be used to produce global and regional analyses of AR climatology and contributions to precipitation. Tier 2 describes a wide range or related analyses that will be conducted by subgroups within ARTMIP. Analyses will focus on addressing specific science questions such as how and why AR climatology varies in different regions, what are the relationships between AR and precipitation extremes, and how much do ARs contribute to poleward moisture transport globally.

The group will produce at least two papers based on Tier 1 metrics. The first will be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) and will describe the Tier 1 experimental design and possible Tier 2 projects, as well as invite the wider community to participate in the ARTMIP. Christine Shields of NCAR will lead this paper, which will be written in the very near timeframe (mid 2017). The second paper will describe the comparative results across methods for AR climatology that are obtained through the Tier 1 analysis. Jon Rutz of the NWS will lead this paper, to be submitted to BAMS (or a similar high-profile journal) in about a year (mid to late 2018).

There are multiple Tier 2 analyses to be performed and these will comprise several additional papers. While Tier 1 focuses on uncertainty amongst the different tracking method algorithms, Tier 2 will explore other sources of uncertainty, such as the uncertainty that arises from different reanalysis products (ERA-interim, NCEP, CFSR and JRA55) and the uncertainty that arises in future climate change projections of ARs.

We have at least three proposed Tier 2 analyses focusing on climate model products. The first is to compare 25, 100, and 200 km CAM5 All-Hist (cesm1_0_3) output from the C20C+ Sub-project on Detection and Attribution (portal.nersc.gov/c20c) to explore uncertainty across model resolution. This is a different issue than the simple coarsening of the reanalysis data. The second climate model Tier 2 analysis is an actual climate change experiment that will analyze the historical and rcp8.5 25 km CAM5 simulations produced for the C20C+ (high-resolution is likely to be very important in replicating atmospheric river climatology and properties). A third experiment is to analyze CMIP5 ensemble results to explore structural uncertainty of projected changes in AR statistics. However, this is contingent on obtaining the large volume of data that must be downloaded from the ESGF. As has seen before, high frequency data can take months to assemble from the ESGF.

Jon Rutz (NOAA/NWS) and Christine Shields (NCAR) serve as ARTMIP co-chairs, while Michael Wehner (LBNL), Ruby Leung (PNNL), and Marty Ralph (UCSD) serve with them on the project committee. A second ARTMIP workshop will be held in mid- to late 2018 to discuss the results of the intercomparison and the implications for the science of Atmospheric Rivers.

Workshop Participants (left to right): Sasha Gershunov, Beth McClenny, Roger Pierce, Anna Wilson, Bin Guan, Ashley Payne, Juan Lora, Duane Waliser, Marty Ralph, Paul Ullrich, Ruby Leung, Michael Wehner, Christine Shields, Jon Rutz, Aneesh Subramanian, Scott Sellars.

Resilience in a Changing Climate: Sonoma County Adaptation Forum

Resilience in a Changing Climate: Sonoma County Adaptation Forum

April 15, 2015

CW3E director Marty Ralph and scientist Julie Kalansky presented at the Sonoma County Adaptation Forum on April 8th. The forum was modeled after state forums, but was the first regional adaptation forum in California. The forum focused on information and approaches to help mitigate the impacts of climate change in Sonoma County and surrounding areas. The audience of over 200 people included city and county leaders, utility managers, environmental groups and the public.

Both Marty and Julie presented in the first session of the morning entitled “Extreme Weather Science; Drought and Deluge in Sonoma County.” Jay Jasperse, Chief Engineer and Director of Groundwater Management at Sonoma County Water Agency, moderated the session. The other panelists included Tim Doherty, from NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management, who discussed the impacts of sea level rise on the region, and Dr. Lisa Micheli, Executive Director of Pepperwood Preserve, who presented on the importance of downscaling climate models to understand the regional response to climate change. Marty Ralph discussed the importance of atmospheric rivers (ARs) to the water supply as well as the potential flooding risk associated with ARs. This led into an explanation of the FIRO, forecast informed reservoir operations, project for improving the water supply resilience of Lake Mendocino. At the end of his presentation he introduced the first part of an ongoing NOAA-NIDIS and Sonoma County Water Agency funded project to examine how the frequency and intensity of ARs may change in future. The link below is to an interview with Marty Ralph about atmospheric rivers and the forum that was broadcasted on North Bay Public Radio.


After Marty’s presentation, Julie presented on the second part of the study including the development of a “mega-drought” stress test for the region and working with the community to understand the all the different dimensions of drought. During Julie’s presentation, she was able to involve the audience and received feedback on the vulnerabilities to drought and the difficult decisions that surround drought. The day was a great success in bringing together scientists, decisions makers and the public to discuss how to make the community more resilient to climate change.

CW3E Welcomes Brian Kawzenuk

CW3E welcomes Brian Kawzenuk

March 30, 2015

CW3E is pleased to welcome Brian Kawzenuk as a staff research associate. Brian joins us from completing his master’s work with Dr. Jason Cordeira at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. At Plymouth Brian investigated the impacts of land-falling atmospheric rivers (ARs) on the west coast during February 2014. The structure and dynamics of AR events as well as their influence on extreme precipitation over the west coast were explored. Brian looks forward to continuing his study of AR events and using his extensive analytic and programming skills to help the CW3E team develop stakeholder tools. Brian grew up in central New York State and has always had a passion for meteorology. We’re delighted to welcome him to the team and hope he enjoys the milder climate of the La Jolla region.

Sonoma County Water Agency video posted about Atmospheric Rivers

Sonoma County Water Agency (SWCA) Video posted about Atmospheric Rivers (ARs)

March 4, 2015

CW3E is pleased to be part of a recent video produced by our partners at the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) and hosted by SCWA Director Shirlee Zane. This video focuses on the importance of Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) to California’s precipitation. Extremes of both drought and flood are examined for their link to ARs and impact on the Sonoma region. Emphasis is placed on the importance of understanding ARs and applying that knowledge to create better forecast information to help SCWA prepare for drought and potential flood conditions. Shirlee points out a key goal of our collaboration: “retain water without increasing flood risk”.

DWR Video posted about CalWater and ARs

DWR Video posted about CalWater and ARs

February 27, 2015

CW3E is pleased to be part of a recent video produced by Elissa Lynn, program manager at California’s Department of Water Resources (a CW3E partner). This video focuses on the recent CalWater 2015 – ACAPEX Field Campaign and the importance of Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) to California’s precipitation. This video provides excellent background information about ARs and how unique CalWater 2015 was with the availability of 4 different aircrafts and a NOAA research vessel examining ARs simultaneously. The importance of atmospheric aerosols from humans and their potential link to precipitation quantity is also described in this video.

California Precipitation: summary handout

California Precipitation: summary handout

February 8, 2015

Coefficient of variation (the standard deviation divided by the average) of total precipitation based on water year data from 1951-2008.

Please click here for the summary handout

CW3E and partners from the California Department of Water Resources, CNAP and the Southwest Climate Science Center have released a summary handout describing California precipitation. The seasonality and variability of precipitation for the state are examined in this summary. Special emphasis is on the link between large storms (AR storms) and the total precipitation for a season. The figure above (Dettinger et al., 2011) illustrates that how much variability there is from year to year in precipitation. The green and blue circles over California indicate the largest year-to-year variability is over this state at an order of about half the annual average precipitation.

LA Times: Focus on ARs and CW2-ACAPEX

LA Times: Focus on ARs and CW2-ACAPEX

January 19, 2015

Photo by Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times: Sunset through clouds over Los Angeles

A recent LA Times article “California drought could end with storms known as atmospheric rivers” highlighted the importance of ARs to California’s water status and the start of the CalWater2 – ACAPEX field campaign (article by Tony Barboza). This article provides an excellent summary of the role of ARs in California’s water supply – from drought to flood. It emphasizes that ARs are known to have a strong link to ending droughts (article by CW3E researcher Mike Dettinger, Journal of Hydrometeorology). As well as highlighting the importance of ARs the article mentions the effort to better understand ARs with the massive data collection effort undergoing now by university and government scientists in CalWater2 – ACAPEX. Find more information about CW2-ACAPEX here.

CalWater-2/ARM Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX)

CalWater-2/ARM Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX): AGU session

January 2, 2015

The influence of Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) on wet extremes since 1950 are shown by the fraction of AR landfall days (green portion of pie chart). Note, for example, 87% of flood days for the Russian River are AR landfall days.

The Fall 2014 AGU meeting in San Francisco hosted a workshop/press conference describing the upcoming 2015 field campaign: CalWater2 / ARM Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX). Scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and NOAA discussed the impetus behind the field campaign to begin in early 2015. The panel described how ground-based, multiple-aircraft, and ship-based measurements will help provide a better understanding of how California gets its rain and snow, how human activities are influencing precipitation, and how the new science provides potential to inform water management decisions relating to drought and flood. One of the related presentations was given by CW3E PI Mike Dettinger. Dr. Dettinger, AGU 2014 Fellow, described historical and future impacts of land-falling ARs. The image above, from his presentation, depicts the influence of AR land-falling days on extreme wet events in California (Russian River floods, flood plain inundations and levee breaks).

Click here for the UCSD/SIO press release about the workshop / press conference.

Click here for the related UCSD/SIO news story about “Refilling California’s Reservoirs—The Roles of Aerosols and Atmospheric Rivers”.

Click here to follow the CalWater-2 / ACAPEX field project forecasts.