July 10, 2015: Climate change intensification of horizontal water vapor transport in CMIP5

June 25, 2015: The Inland Penetration of Atmospheric Rivers

June 19, 2015: Atmospheric Rivers Workshop: June 15-17, 2015

June 11, 2015: “Atmospheric Rivers”: Rising Interest in Science and the Media

May 15, 2015: 1st ARTMIP Workshop held at SIO

March 6, 2015: Sonoma County Water Agency video posted about Atmospheric Rivers

March 4, 2015: DWR Video posted about CalWater and ARs

February 26, 2015: California Precipitation: summary handout

January 21, 2015: LA Times: Focus on ARs and CW2-ACAPEX

January 12, 2015: First International Atmospheric Rivers Conference