October 15, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Quantification of the impacts of Atmospheric Rivers on precipitation over southern South America

October 4, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: The Relationship between Extratropical Cyclone Strength and Atmospheric River Intensity and Position

September 25, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Origins and Variability of Extreme Precipitation in the Santa Ynez River Basin of Southern California

September 17, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: ARTMIP-Early Start Comparison of Atmospheric River Detection Tools: How Many Atmospheric Rivers Hit Northern California’s Russian River Watershed?

August 21, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Empirical Return Periods of the Most Intense Vapor Transports during Historical Atmospheric River Landfalls on the U.S. West Coast

August 8, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: The Gauging and Modeling of Rivers in the Sky

July 31, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: A 22-Year Climatology of Cool Season Hourly Precipitation Thresholds Conducive to Shallow Landslides in California

July 9, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Project Goals and Experimental Design

May 24, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Global Analysis of Climate Change Projection Effects on Atmospheric Rivers

April 16, 2018: CW3E Publication Notice: Evaluation of Atmospheric River Predictions by the WRF Model Using Aircraft and Regional Mesonet Observations of Orographic Precipitation and Its Forcing