October 20, 2022: CW3E Publication Notice: The Impact of Dropsonde Data on the Performance of the NCEP Global Forecast System During the 2020 Atmospheric Rivers Observing Campaign. Part 1: Precipitation

July 8, 2022: Perspectives on California’s Drought and the Relation to Atmospheric Rivers

April 7, 2022: Distribution of Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers over the U.S. West Coast During Water Year 2022: Summary Through March

March 9, 2022: CW3E Welcomes Chris Delaney

November 12, 2021: CW3E is Seeking a Forecaster to Join the AR Reconnaissance Forecasting Team

February 15, 2021: CW3E Middle School Meteorology at EarthLab STEAM Camp

February 15, 2021: CW3E Welcomes Ming Pan

January 25, 2021: CW3E AR Update: 25 January 2021 Outlook

December 17, 2020: Data Science Post-Doctoral Position at CW3E

November 21, 2020: CW3E Event Summary: 16-18 November 2020