November 7, 2022: CW3E Kicks off the Water Year 2023 West-WRF Forecast Season

November 7, 2022: CW3E Hosts 3rd Annual Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Workshop

November 2, 2022: CW3E AR Update: 2 November 2022 Outlook

October 4, 2022: CW3E Publication Notice: Impacts of dropsonde and satellite observations on the forecasts of two atmospheric-river-related heavy rainfall events

March 22, 2022: CW3E demonstrates balloon launch, discusses research with USC students at Wrigley Marine Science Center

January 18, 2022: CW3E Publication Notice: Improved Forecast Skill through the Assimilation of Dropsonde Observations from the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Program

January 12, 2022: CW3E Publication Notice: Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Workshop Promotes Research and Operations Partnership

July 20, 2021: CW3E Hosts Second Annual Atmospheric River Reconnaissance (AR Recon) Workshop

July 20, 2021: The Women of AR Recon

July 16, 2021: CW3E Publication Notice: Representation of dropsonde-observed atmospheric river conditions in reanalyses