2018 International Atmospheric Rivers Conference

25-28 June 2018

Welcome and Introductory Session

F. Martin Ralph, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, Invited
Recent advances in observations, models, tracking, and prediction of atmospheric rivers

Alexandre Ramos, Instituto Dom Luiz, University of Lisbon, Invited
Atmospheric rivers research in the Atlantic Ocean

Winter 2016-17

John Sandmeyer, City of San Diego, Invited
Public safety threat of short periods of intense precipitation in San Diego’s urban zone

Ruby Leung, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Roles of SST versus internal atmospheric variability in winter extreme precipitation variability along the U.S. West Coast

Benjamin Moore, CIRES/University of Colorado and NOAA/ESRL/PSD
Large-scale dynamics of extreme precipitation events in California during winter 2016-2017

Airborne Observations of ARs

Jack Parrish, NOAA Aircraft Operations Center, Invited
Flying the atmospheric rivers – NOAA AOC achievements and challenges (2014-2018)

Minghua Zheng, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Impacts of dropsonde observations on the predictability of two landfalling atmospheric river events in February 2016

Jennifer Haase, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Use of airborne GNSS RO observations to investigate the dynamics of an extra-tropical cyclone in a data assimilation study of an atmospheric river

Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting of ARs

Jeanine Jones, CA Department of Water Resources, Invited
Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting of atmospheric rivers for water management – Where we want to go

Michael Deflorio, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CalTech
Global prediction skill of atmospheric rivers on daily to subseasonal timescales: hindcast analysis and experimental realtime forecasting efforts

Aneesh Subramanian, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Realtime subseasonal outlooks for atmospheric rivers

Alexander Tardy, NOAA/NWS
Using the NOAA CFSv2 for long range forecasting and partner support

Applications and Communications

Michael Anderson, CA Department of Water Resources, Invited
Atmospheric rivers applications for integrated water management

Daniel Swain, University of California, Los Angeles, Invited
Atmospheric rivers as a scientific (and conversational) bridge between weather and climate

Chris Smallcomb, NOAA/NWS, Invited
Working with decision makers in Reno-Tahoe: stories from the relentless winter of 2016-17

AR Tracking

Christine Shields, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Invited
The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): experimental design, goals, and current status

Jonathan Rutz, NOAA/NWS
The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): quantifying the uncertainties in atmospheric river climatology and impacts

Yang Zhou, Stony Brook University
The origins, lifetimes, and terminations of atmospheric rivers: an object-based tracing algorithm

Grzegorz Muszynski, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom & NERSC, LBNL, Presenting Author: Karthik Kashinath, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Topological data analysis and machine learning for detecting atmospheric river patterns in climate data

Travis O’Brien, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Assessing uncertainty in deep learning techniques that identify atmospheric rivers in climate simulations

Regional Perspectives of ARs

Deniz Bozkurt, University of Chile, Invited, Presenting Author: Roberto Rondanelli, University of Chile
Foehn event triggered by an atmospheric river underlies recordsetting temperature along continental Antarctica

Rene Garreaud, University of Chile, Invited
ARs along the west coast of South America

Deanna Nash, University of California, Santa Barbara
The role of atmospheric rivers in extratropical and polar hydroclimate

Alexander Gavrikov, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Presenting Author: Natalia Tilinina, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
The North Atlantic atmospheric rivers in high-resolution atmospheric WRF hindcast (1979+)

Gudrun Magnusdottir, University of California, Irvine
Extreme transient moisture transport in the high-latitude North Atlantic sector and impacts on sea-ice concentration

Nelun Fernando, Texas Water Development Board
Do atmospheric rivers sometimes drive the hydrological roller coaster over Texas?

David Pierce, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Invited
The depiction of atmospheric rivers in downscaled data

Douglas Miller, University of North Carolina at Asheville
An expanded view on the climatology of atmospheric rivers impacting the southern Appalachian Mountains

AR Dynamics

Lance Bosart, SUNY Albany, Invited
Rossby wave breaking as a governor of atmospheric river evolution and the occurrence of extreme weather events

Zhenhai Zhang, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
The extratropical cyclone and atmospheric river over the U.S. West Coast

Forest Cannon, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Synoptic to mesoscale forcing of Southern California extreme precipitation

Huancui Hu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The role of tropical moisture on atmospheric rivers’ vapor transport and landfall

Reuben Demirdjian, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
On the use of a height tendency analysis for physical process studies

Meredith Fish, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Coastal sea surface temperature variability in Northern California during landfalling atmospheric rivers

AR Microphysics, aerosols, and chemistry

Kim Prather, University of California, San Diego, Invited
Impact of local versus long range transported aerosols on California clouds and precipitation

Andrew Martin, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Contrasting local and long-range transported warm icenucleating particles during an atmospheric river in Coastal California

Hari Mix, Santa Clara University
Stable isotope constraints on post-condensation processes and precipitation efficiency during the March 5-7, 2016 atmospheric river event

Kara Voss, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
What makes an atmospheric river dusty?

Weather Forecasting of ARs

Andrew Martin, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Identifying forecast errors in atmospheric river vapor transport, landfall location and duration through traditional and object-based verification

Alexandre Ramos, Instituto Dom Luiz, University of Lisbon
Predictability of Atmospheric Rivers in Europe

Ivory Small, NOAA/NWS
Atmospheric rivers in Southwestern California and their relationship to operational severe weather and flash flood forecasting

Brian Henn, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, Presenting Author: Rachel Weihs, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Quantifying skill in forecasting rain-snow levels in atmospheric river storms in California across models

Matt Masarik, Boise State University
Modeling case study of an inland penetrating atmospheric river event, June 2nd-4th, 2010

ARs and Hydrologic Impacts

Christopher Konrad, US Geological Survey, Invited
Attributing flood trends to atmospheric rivers in Western Washington

Tom Corringham, University of California, San Diego
Atmospheric rivers drive flood damages in the Western US

Laurie Huning, University of California, Irvine
Uncertainty associated with atmospheric river-derived seasonal snowfall patterns

Charles Downer, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Presenting Author: Steve Turnbull, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Distributed hydrologic model simulations for forecasting stream flows and reservoir storage

Christine Albano, Desert Research Institute
Influences of atmospheric rivers on terrestrial water storage and fluxes in the Western US

Hilary McMillan, San Diego State University
Coupling a high-resolution weather model with a hydrological model for flood forecasting: design, implementation, and challenges

Homero Paltan, University of Oxford, Presenting Author: Duane Waliser, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Global floods and water availability driven by atmospheric rivers

ARs and Climate Variability: Past, Present, and Future

Juan Lora, University of California, Los Angeles, Invited
Atmospheric rivers and the changing climate of Western North America since the Last Glacial Maximum

Ben Hatchett,Desert Researh Institute
Applications of atmospheric rivers to Great Basin paleohydroclimate problems

Bin Guan, University of California, Los Angeles
Water vapor budget in atmospheric rivers: a multi-model evaluation

Jesse Norris, University of California, Los Angeles
Dynamic and thermodynamic controls on future changes to precipitation accumulations during atmospheric river events

Katerina Gonzales, Stanford University
Recent temperature trends and tracks of landfalling US West Coast atmospheric rivers

Alexander Gershunov, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Precipitation regime change in California and the Western US: the role of atmospheric rivers

Vicky Espinoza, University of California, Merced, Presenting Author: Duane Waliser, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Invited
Global analysis of climate change projection effects on atmospheric rivers

Michael Warner, US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District
Atmospheric rivers, climate change, and the Howard Hanson Dam

Emerging Directions

John Dumas, NOAA/NWS
Floods After Fires – The Complicated Relationship Between Atmospheric rivers and debris flows in Southern California

Steve Turnbull, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Russian River watershed hydrograph separation using stable isotopes and natural geochemical tracers

Poster Session I

Sol Kim, University of California, Berkeley
Influence of subtropical jets on atmospheric rivers

William Rudisill, Boise State University
Evaluation of land surface snow forcings during Central Idaho atmospheric rivers

Gavin Cornwell, University of California, San Diego
Identifying marine biological particles at Bodega Bay, CA using single-particle measurements

Terence Pagano, California State University, Los Angeles
Analysis of atmospheric rivers using satellite-observed HDO

Deveshi Buch, Vista del Lago High School
Climatological analysis of atmospheric rivers in the Eastern Pacific: a comparative study

Cody Poulsen, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
A comparison of West Coast atmospheric river axes of orientation using objective and subjective methods during the 2016-2017 cool season

Joe Witte, Aquent/NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Science communication of the amazing atmospheric rivers

Kristian Mattarochia, NOAA/NWS
Localizing the proposed atmospheric river scale to events across the National Weather Service’s Hanford County Warning Area, including the San Joaquin Valley and the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Christoph Boehm, University of Cologne
Moisture supply to the Atacama Desert by atmospheric rivers

Diego Campos, University of Chile
Teleconnections and precipitation in Central Chile: the neglected role of moisture transport

Aaron Jacobs, NOAA/NWS
Atmospheric river research in Alaska

Marshall Pfahler, SUNY Albany
he influence of atmospheric rivers on the 22-26 December 2013 Caribbean rain-storm

Alexandre Ramos, Instituto Dom Luiz, University of Lisbon
A review of atmospheric rivers in Europe

Felipe Saavedra, University of Chile
Atmospheric rivers contribution to the snow accumulation over the Southern Andes (26.5°S-37.5°S)

Mathew Sanders, Plymouth State University
A multiscale analysis of ice jam flooding in central New Hampshire in late February 2017

Jiexia Wu, George Mason University
The attribution of atmospheric rivers on drought demise in the U.S

Sam Webber, Plymouth State University
Large-scale regime transitions and atmospheric river landfalls across Western North America

Ashley Payne, University of Michigan
The development of persistent atmospheric rivers

Meredith Fish, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Atmospheric river families: definition and synoptic evaluation

Poster Session II

Huancui Hu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Using a numerical water tracer model for understanding hydrometeorological impacts of an extreme atmospheric river

T.J. Jenkins, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Atmospheric rivers and avalanches: LiDAR-based snowpack stratigraphic analysis

Nina Oakley, Desert Research Institute
Landslides, post-fire debris flows, and atmospheric rivers in California

Kelley Sterle, University of Nevada, Reno
Hydroclimate variability in snow-fed river systems: local water managers’ forecast and science information needs under a new normal climate

Xiaojing Du, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Interannual hydroclimate variability and extreme precipitation reconstructed from Santa Barbara Basin sediments, Southern California, during the last 9,000 years

James Done, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Atmospheric river characteristics under decadal climate variability

Naomi Goldenson, University of California, Los Angeles
Influence of cumulative AR occurrence on snowpack in California and the Northwestern U.S.

Rosana Aguilera, University of California, San Diego
Atmospheric rivers drive coastal water pollution spikes in California

Carolyn Reynolds, Naval Research Laboratory
Naval Research Laboratory preliminary results from AR RECON 2018

Michael Murphy, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Preliminary evaluation of airborne GNSS RO profiles collected during Atmospheric River Recon 2018

Rui Sun, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Investigation of the ocean-atmosphere coupling in the atmospheric river events simulated by a coupled model

Xingying Huang, University of California, Los Angeles
Modeling and evaluation of the extreme historical atmospheric rivers over the U.S. West Coast

Rachel Weihs, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
Uncertainty estimates in extreme precipitation from numerical precision in a regional weather prediction model

Anna Wilson, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
The effect of atmospheric rivers on reservoir operations and flooding in California’s Russian River watershed during water years 2017 and 2018